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Boundary Setting Series

For many women, we've been indoctrinated into the myth that we're supposed to do it all (and do it perfectly). We say yes, not because it's a great opportunity, but because we don't want to disappoint others and, in effect, we're basing our worthiness on others' approval. BUT it comes at a price! Join me in this 3-part series exploring the importance of boundary setting and why the most compassionate and successful people are actually those with the most boundaries, not fewer!


The Drama Triangle

So, what can happen when our own needs are not being met or we don’t set the necessary personal boundaries in relationships?

We can get trapped in The Drama Triangle: Bitch, Martyr & Victim.

Your challenges

  1. Consider when you’re not at your best which one you fall into most commonly.

  2. Identify what your top 3 personal values are and how you can step into your values instead. 


  1. Download your worksheet

  2. Consider who is currently residing beside your fireside and in your village

  3. Now consider if this feels right to you - who needs to be where and who needs to move?


Your Fireside & Village

In this class, we're talking about BOUNDARIES!

  • What does it mean to have boundaries? 

  • Why are the most compassionate the most boundaries?

  • Why should you care?

  • How can you begin to set boundaries with both grace & gumption?!


Categories & Framing

Without role models, it can be very difficult to know where to start, what boundaries to set and how to go about actually doing it.
So, that’s what we’re going to cover in the class.

We’re going to start off by exploring different boundary categories, so you know what boundaries to set for your success.

And then, we'll practice Boundary Framing on how to vocalise and set the boundary, especially with those people that we care about or perhaps in a work context where we can often struggle to say NO!


  1. Consider the different boundary categories.

    • ​What area are you currently doing well in?

    • What area do you need to do some work in?

  2. Now practice! Commit to having one boundary conversation this week.

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